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Monday, February 14, 2011

One Thousand Gifts (part 1)

One of my favorite recent reads was Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts. It's such a beautiful book of praise-filled prose. I love the way she encourages others to relish the beauty of the everyday gifts from God. I immediately felt inspired to create my own list of 1,000 gifts. I thought I'd share my list with you in bits and pieces.

1) the excitement of cracking open a brand-new book, the inky paper smell wafting around promising new insights

2) frothy, steamy, dreamy over-sized mugs of cappuccino that bring alertness

3) the faintest hint of Spring thaw in the air this afternoon and the pinkish hue of the tree tops from a distance (buds in infancy)

4) the sight of my sweet little girl "feeding" her baby doll and cooing "be-be, be-be" as she did it

5) warm and cozy winter nights beneath fluffy down blankets

...more to come.

I'd love to hear some of yours!

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1 comment:

  1. I love seeing my girls mother their babies too. And their youngest sister for that matter.
