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Monday, March 7, 2011

One Thousand Gifts (part 4)

Inspired by Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts, I've been making my own list of everyday gifts. God gifts. Starting at one and continuing to 1,000 here is my journey of gratitude:

17. Daughter's tender tentative toddler steps. Bearing witness to this miracle of growth and emergent confidence.

18.Rush of creative energy-joy of composing something from nothing. Fingertips stained red, nails caked from making.

19. Son's child drawing of birds in nest, so perfectly sweet and pure. Carefree innocence preserved on paper.

20. 3 year old pointing out purple-hued clouds at sunset, pulling me out of my hum-drum routine to delight in the beauty of nature together.

21. Ruby tinted fragrant fruit sauce boiling and bubbling on stove top

22. Spontaneous trip with kids to ice cream shop. Thrill of frozen treat on frozen day, contagious excitement.

23. Satisfying feeling of warm yielding yeasty dough between my fingers

24. Waking up to this gorgeous and curious sight...crucifix of the sky, lasting only moments

...more to come

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  1. Hands all messy from creating is the best!! Love the bird nest... so cute. What a wonderful moment to capture the crucifix in the sky. Beautiful! So happy to find your list today. :)

  2. I love your blessing list. This has become one of my favorite posts to write for myself. It really helps to remind me of all I have been blessed with, even though there are times of sadness. The picture of the crucifix in the sky is amazing! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  3. Aren't kids so helpful at helping us see the glory? Love when my kids step outside and say "What a glorious day!"

  4. LOVE the bird's nest!!!! And it sounds like you are teaching your children to really SEE! Loved the pictures and was so blessed by being here today! Thank you for sharing!

  5. It's wonderful to take time to count and share our thankfulness ....all wonderful gifts from GOD
