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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weekend Reflection: On Eternity

Beach of ameland

"To see a World in a grain of sand, And a Heaven in a wild flower: Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour."

--William Blake

May we all pause to appreciate the beauty in His broad hand of creation all around us, and to ponder the meaning of that in our lives. May we take ourselves out of that place of worry, of hustle and bustle that pulls us from His purpose. Let us withdraw from pettiness to reflect on the wonder of sand and wildflowers. Soak in all of the beauty and wonder, and cast your thoughts heavenward this weekend.


  1. Amen, what a good reminder! I will think of this post all day, as I enjoy my weekend with my family. :-)

  2. Erin, I NEEDED to read this today, a day where I've considered forging Sabbath rest because I've been sick for three days and feel like all I've done is nothing. But that's not totally what Sabbath is about -- it's that soul rest to to think on things like eternity.
    Also, I bigfatsloppykiss love William Blake. So thank you.

  3. @Hyacynth

    Oh, I am so glad to have helped you find rest this weekend! I know *exactly* what you mean about feeling that stress to catch up when things fall behind due to sickness. All 3 of my kids have been sick for the past 2 weeks and it's been so tough to try to stay on top of things. But you are so right in taking that Sabbath rest to regroup and trusting that things will fall into place. And by-the-way I bigfatsloppykiss love William Blake, too! (And e.e. cummings! And Walt Whitman!!)

  4. @Robin That's wonderful Robin! I hope your weekend is filled with lots of those "glimpses of eternity!" :)

  5. Such a wonderful reminder to stop and just be. Thanks :)

    Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!
