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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

10 Fall Fun Crafts for Kids!

Fall is one of my all-time favorite times of year. And being the crafty kinda gal that I am, I love me some Fall kids crafts! So, I've been doing a bit of online hunting to complie some projects (10 to be exact) that I'm pretty psyched about. Thanks to the wonders of Pinterest and Google, finding awesome projects out there is pretty easy to do! And, so, I just thought I'd share them with you and save your fingers to extra clicking of finding them for yourself. :) Here goes:

1. The Leaf Person.
It's a classic leaf-meets-contact-paper-collage but with a fun little twist. Simple, fun and bonus--it's not even messy!! (and, besides my kids ADORE any crafts incorporating googly eyes!)

2. The Cutest Looking Produce You've Ever Seen.
Ok, so I made up that title but, seriously, have you ever seen something cuter than this?! (And if you have, I NEED to know about it!) We are SO making these--Pronto!

3.Tissue Paper Candy Corn
I have always had a little soft spot for candy corn--it's just so darn cheerful! So this craft is just as much for me as it is for the kids. :)

4. Hand Print Tree
Is Fall complete without some version of a hand print tree? I think not. So we're doing this one because it's just purty.

5. Button Corn
Another craft that's just as much for me as it is for kids! How fun is this?! And, besides, it ties in perfectly with our Agricultural homeschool unit we'll be doing which is just a cool bonus.

6. Large Leaf Print
Ok, so this one is so gorgeous that it looks like it needs to be put immediately into a frame and hung on a wall (well, after it dries that is. Sorry, corny joke. I'm full of 'em!). I just hope we'll be able to find some ginormous leaves out there somewhere!

7. Pasta Skeleton
Here's another one that's arguably educational as well as adorable. It's an anatomy lesson and a Halloween decoration all rolled into one! I call that a win-win!

8. Felt Stitched Leaf Garland
And here we have yet another educational and while fun craft! Adorable garland for mom and sewing skills for the kids! SO (or sew? See, I warned you!) AWESOME.

9. Rock Bugs
Ok, so this one could really be done any time of year, but it just so happens that I discovered it recently and my boys luuuuuurve all things bugs, so a Fall craft for us it shall be. (So don't BUG me about it not being seasonal. Get it? Get it?? Sorry, once I get started there's really no stopping the bad puns. It's like a disease I tell you.)

10.Doughnut Hole Acorns
Ok, I just had to save the sweetest thing for last! How adorable and YUMMY do these look?! Yes, please!

So, that just about wraps up my list of fun Fall crafts. I hope you like some of these as much as I do, and if you decide to do any of them, I'd LOVE to know about it! Please link or mention your projects below in the comments so I can delight in your crafty goodness! :)

Happy Fall!

Top Ten {Tuesday}

Hip Homeschool Hop Button

Classified: Mom


  1. Such great ideas! Thanks for your compilation. My daughter asked to make a person out of leaves- now I have a visual to help guide us. But honestly- I love all of your ideas! So, thank you!!!

  2. this is a great round-up of fall crafts. thanks for sharing. I am stopping by via the hip homeschool hop and Would love to have you link up to the Sunday Showcase (open thru Thurs.) -


  3. @dayebydayeYou're very welcome! So glad to lend a bit of inspiration to you today!

  4. @Mom to 2 Posh Lil DivasSo glad you liked the ideas! I'd love to link-up on Sunday-thanks for providing the link! :)

  5. great art projects! the leaf person is so cute!

  6. OK. Those carrot prints are adorable!! Why have I never done that before? SO CUTE.

    Thanks for linking up! :)

  7. These are WONDERFUL! Love the acorn apples and the pasta skeletons--especially the side view of the skull! Thank you so much for posting all these photos.

  8. @oh amanda {impress your kids} I know, right?! It never even dawned on me to use produce other than apples or potatoes as stamps. But it's a fantastic idea!

  9. These are fantastic!! I'm going to do the handprint tree with my girls :)

  10. Awesome ideas!! We will be doing many of them :) Stopping by from the Hop.

  11. These craft ideas are great! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Produce prints...absolutely precious! My 2-year-old will love this (and my 1 year old will just eat the win some you lose some!)
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Very cool. Wow, I especially love that large leaf print! Thanks for sharing!

  14. i love the large leaf print! saw that one on pinterest too!! great list!

  15. Oh, I love these! That leaf garland is beautiful! I so rarely take time to do these kinds of things and I just need to make some time now! Thanks!


  16. What a fun bunch of crafts, love the felt and yarn fall leaf garland, that looks like something I could do! Isn't Pinterest fun!!

  17. Aw, I had left you a comment yesterday but I guess I didn't type in the captcha or something. Those fruit and veggie prints are too cute! Looks like one of those crafts I would be having more fun with than the kids... I'm looking forward to following your blog and thank you for all the kind comments you left on mine. You totally made my day!

  18. @AprilI'm so glad you like the craft ideas! Haha, I know you're a fellow pinterest junkie! :p I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts, too! :)

  19. How fun!

    I would love for you to share these fun fall crafts on my mommy solution meme.

  20. Great ideas! Thank you for sharing this with us on The Sunday Showcase!

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