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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weekend Reflection: Ordinary Days

Ordinary Days
Helen Fahrbach

Not all gifts are tied
with festive ribbons,
some arrive on
ordinary days.

A small surprise
of gull's pure flight
can wing a benefit
to the common hour.

As school days resume and we settle into new schedules, we find ourselves in the throws of the ordinary days. The days that don't stand out, the days where things are often predictable and perhaps even a little hum-drum. But even the ordinary days contain gifts. We learn something new, a friend surprises us in some small yet significant way and our spirits are lifted. Take time to find the pleasure in the ordinary days, for each one contains hidden gems so long as we are on the look-out for them.


  1. This post reminds me to just breathe in, relax, and appreciate the day. In fact you've inspired me to get off my computer and just enjoy the quite. Thanks

  2. @MarkI'm so glad to inspire you to take that time to relax and just breathe. I have to remind myself of this quite often, too!

  3. Yes. Ordinary days are my favorite. People don't understand why Mondays are my favorite day but Monday is the day we get to return to normal from our wild and crazy fun weekends.
