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Monday, March 21, 2011

One Thousand Gifts (part 6)

Inspired by Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts, I've been making my own list of everyday gifts. God gifts. Starting at one and continuing to 1,000 here is my journey of gratitude:

31. Child's drawing of gates of heaven

32. warm coffee on cold wet groggy morning

33. sunny and 60!

34. fresh air from open windows

35. short sleeves in March

36. wind that shakes budded branches, cold sting of Winter gone

37. driving with windows rolled down, errant strands of music overheard--the pulse of Spring excitement

38. insect on windshield-sign of Spring

39. ripe sweet pear in sunlight

40. lemon cake with sticky sweet frosting, sticky sweet children licking fingers

41. majestic swoop of owl in woods

42. smell of banana bread baking

43. 3 year old telling me sizzling eggs sound like rainfall

44. 5 year old picking me sprig of green leaves-picking new life

45. bawdy raucous cackle of crow, exclaiming its existence from treetops

46. Spring snow on holly leaves, promising gentler days ahead

47. Roly poly drooling happy baby niece and nephew playing with cousins

48. Fiery orange sunset just outside my window

...more to come

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  1. Hello, just popping in from Multitudes on Mondays at Ann's. :0) Lovely little corner of the web, and wonderful list!

    Much Love & Blessings,
    Our Simple Country Life

  2. Jumped over from Ann's and I want to say that the child's drawing of the gates of heaven has to be my favorite. An art piece worthy of a frame, description and artist name and age. Precious! Love, Joy and Peace, Beth

  3. I made banana bread this weekend too! And banana muffins. And banana bars. I had a lot of over-ripe bananas to get rid of...can you tell!?! :)

    Counting gifts with you...

  4. The pictures just made me sigh as they are sooooo beautiful! The egg caught my attention! Leave it to a child to notice the SOUND of an egg. I loved that so much. I guess I've heard an egg frying all my life and never once thought about what I heard. I won't forget it now. And the gates of Heaven --- how good is that??? I'm with Beth on this one --- frame it!

  5. Thanks everyone!

    I am definitely planning on framing the picture!

    I was floored by my son telling me about the sound of the egg! He was so right-it DID sound just like rainfall! I would've never even noticed, though!

  6. Love the pictures and have started counting those daily moments along with you. Beautiful sunset and amazing picture of the gates of heaven!!
