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Friday, March 18, 2011


I'm participating in another Five Minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama this week. We write for 5 minutes with no editing on a specific topic. The prompt for today is "On waiting." Feel free to join in the fun!

Here goes:


I struggle with waiting. Always wanting the answers right now, waiting makes me anxious. Waiting forces me to turn my face toward God. Waiting is good discipline, although I often fail to see it for the gift that it is. Too often, I overlook the beautiful package and the shiny bow sent from above--too consumed with wonder at what's inside. But God's gifts are always worth waiting for, and with each passing year I get just a little bit better at understanding that. And so wait, I must. Wait to see what will happen at the story's end. What to see what our next house will be. Wait to find out how these three precious souls entrusted to me will turn out, the paths they choose, the roads they will walk. Wait to see how the Lord will use me some day, when this journey of motherhood draws to a close. Wait to see what good gifts are in store. And so I wait, praying and trusting in His good gifts.


It's always fascinating to me to see what pours out in those 5 minutes!

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. The forces of waiting and the turning to Him...why do we fight it so hard? Nice to meet you!

  2. Waiting does turn us to Him doesn't it. Its so hard for me to wait, to understand but I know that He has a reason. Right?

  3. "Waiting forces me to turn my face toward God." So true! It's like when my kids get bored and run straight to me for the next thing. :)

  4. Stopping by from 5 Minute Friday. Yes, there are bends in the road and seasons of life. I would like to see ahead sometimes, but I am learning that the Lord wants to guide me day by day. Blessings to you as you raise your children!
