Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weekend Reflection: De-clutter Your Soul

"We brought nothing into the world, just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it. If we have food and clothing, we shall be content with that." 1Tim. 6:7-8

There is a lot of...stuff in the world. And stuff is by no means inherently bad, but it can have a strong pull on our minds, our hearts and our desires. Stuff can be a distraction from the richer things in life-the things that money can't buy. Things like hugs, prayer, giving, laughter, love. These are the truest riches of all in life. Connections with others and with God cannot be bought. And all of those pretties out there in the world do not bring joy, real lasting soul-stirring joy. Scripture reminds us that whatever stuff we have, we cannot take it with us when our time here is done.

And while the Lord wants us all to delight in the beauty of the earth and in all of the ways people create things of innovation and beauty, there is a definite balance to people's relationships with material goods. There's a point where stuff can clutter your mind and cloud what really matters.

So I encourage you to take some time to de-clutter your relationship with stuff this weekend, and I will do the same. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Take a moment to call and old friend that you haven't spoken to in a while. Read something soul-enriching, something that brings you closer to God. Do something kind and unexpected for somebody you love or even a complete stranger. Spend some time splurging on the greater riches, the ones that come for free.


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  2. This perspective is also valuable for students seeking MBA Assignment Writing Services, as it emphasizes the deeper, more meaningful aspects of life that cannot be attained through material possessions. It serves as a reminder to prioritize what truly matters, including connections with others and spiritual fulfillment.

  3. As a Master Thesis Help service provider, I agree with that life’s real treasures are non-material and do not have a price tag, such as hugs, prayer, giving, laughter, and love. I mean that having relations with stuff is not necessarily evil but it can pull our attention away from such genuine relation. At times listening or even meditating from a good piece of music, we ought to realized that ‘we need to cut the clutter, to really focus on the things that we believe are worthwhile’.



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