My poor guy Adam came down with a stomach bug last night. Suffice it to say it was one looooooong, sleepless and messy night of sheet and pajama changes. :( Stomach bugs are just plain no fun. But the worst part for me is the feeling that there's so little I can do to alleviate his pain and discomfort! Well, in a stroke of mommy-genius (rare occurrence) I came up with something to bring just the teensiest bit of joy to him while he rested on the couch:
Water Popsicles. This way Adam stays hydrated while not drinking so fast as to induce more vomiting, and there's added bonus of homemade popsicle fun. It's a win-win (or more accurately a "win-win-win," right? Sorry, nerd moment.). Since this one needs no recipe (Ingredient: water. Directions: freeze water) I'll provide a picture of this smashing success instead:

Ok and just one more:

While this might seem like completely obvious knowledge to some of you, this water popsicle thing actually felt pretty inventive to me. (Maybe that's because I got about as much sleep last night as I did when Adam was one day old.) But put your worries to rest, I'm not about to go seeking a patent or anything...I'm not that far gone (yet). Just wanted to share the tiny bright spot of our long cartoon and snuggle-filled day.
My poor little man. Those eyes. I mean, honestly. *Sigh* But anyway...
Here's hoping you don't ever need to use these, but if you do, they worked for me! :)
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Works for Me Wednesday
what a great idea i love that you made it like a popsicle
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